Sunday, September 13, 2009

Anti Aging Explained

Anti aging is possible. The body is designed to heal and repair itself with the aid of proper nutrition. The body requires two vital materials to complete this - energy and raw material. These two requirements are needed to maintain the cell's proper functions. The body is made up of cells and all cells are living. All living things need food. Each cell needs the proper food to keep it strong. Cells die and replace themselves at various intervals. To understand anti-aging, understand that when a cell replaces itself it has three options that it can replace itself with:

1. A cell may replace itself with a weaker cell each time. A cell will do this if it hasn't had the right nutritional foods available to it. This process is called degeneration.

2. A cell can replace itself with the same strength cell. This means the body doesn't improve. That is, you have a chronic condition.

3. The cell is capable of replacing itself with a stronger and better cell. This will happen only if the cell has an abundance of energy and the right raw materials. This process is called regeneration. It is anti-aging.

Many of the foods that we have been told are good for us in actual fact may cause degeneration. This can be shown by muscle testing. Your kinesiologist can supply you with information on which foods to avoid to stop degeneration, and which foods to buy to aid regeneration and anti-aging.

In addition, frequent drinks of good water is crucial. We believe the best water is water that has been electrically charged and has a high pH. Next best would be spring water. Tap water is not as good because of the chlorine and the fluoride (although it is better than nothing). Distilled water is not as good for you - its energy has been altered. In Europe distilled water is labelled "not for human consumption". Mineral water is not as good because the minerals are not in a form your body likes. Water that comes from the top of mountains might also be lacking in oxygen. Many people's health problems and anti-aging would improve if they would just drink more good water!

So, drink more alkaline ionized water to reverse the aging process. Visit for an impressive selection of Water Ionizers.

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