Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cell Water Turnover

Cell water turnover is a way to mark or measure health and possible longevity. Water movement is an indication of energy and purity. Babies eliminate a large percentage of water daily, but that decreases as he grows and ages. One of the things hexagonal water has been shown to improve is cell water turnover.


1) Smaller units are able to penetrate cells more rapidly (affecting metabolism, nutrient absorption, waste removal, etc)

2) This water supports metabolic efficiency, removes waste more efficiently.

3) It can hold more energy. It has a larger caloric capacity and can do more work than expected. It is energetically more powerful and so it is the obvious choice for good healthy water.

Hexagonal Water

Hexagonal water can store and transfer a much greater amount of energy when compared to unorganized, regular (tap or bottled) water. This fact is a great indicator as to the work that hexagonal water can do throughout the human body, as well as the water’s capacity to perform its work more efficiently that unorganized water.

Alkaline ionized water obtained from a water ionizer has a hexagonal structure. It is much more hydrating than normal tap or bottled water and has major therapeutic benefits.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The supply chain of water

In every glass of water we drink, some of the water has already passed through fishes, trees, bacteria, worms in the soil, and many other organisms, including people...Living systems cleanse water and make it fit, among other things, for human consumption.

ELLIOT A. NORSE, in R.J. Hoage, ed., Animal Extinctions, 1985

Water is What Water Does

Water plays an essential role in life, health, and vitality. Water is key to getting nutrients into our cells and removing toxins and metabolic wastes. Water aids in carrying brain signals and nerve impulses throughout the body. The structure of the water is critical to performing these tasks in an optimal manner.

The kind of water you drink can make a difference between being balanced, alert, and vital or a person who experiences sickness, mental fog, depression, and disease. Many individuals who drink alkaline water notice that the water “feels” wetter and “tastes” better and does not sit in their stomach. This is due to the rapid absorption, which is typical of hexagonal water.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Best Water to Drink

The structure of the water is far more important than its source. Research clearly shows that hexagonal water is by far the best water for humans. Since smaller water clusters penetrate the cells faster, nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells much quicker than with unstructured water.

The very best natural source of structured water is from high mountains areas where the melted snow water traverses down mountain gorges gaining energy and oxygen as it migrates. For most of us, drinking fresh mountain water, which has been structured and energized, is not possible.

However, new technologies have emerged that make it possible to create hexagonal water in your own home. A good water ionizer is all you need. Chanson Water has a great collection of water ionizers to choose from.

Powerful Benefits of Hexagonal Water

Hexagonal water helps move nutrients into the cells faster.
Hexagonal water helps remove toxins and wastes from your body.
Hexagonal water is alkaline to help balance the pH of your body.
Hexagonal water helps prevent chronic dehydration.
Hexagonal water helps strengthen your immune system.
Hexagonal water enhances metabolic reactions.
Hexagonal water improves cellular communication.
Hexagonal water is more readily absorbed into the body.

For more useful information on hexagonal water, we recommend