Monday, October 12, 2009
High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What are the signs and symptoms of dehydration?
- the eyes stop making tears,
- sweating may stop,
- muscle cramps,
- nausea and vomiting,
- heart palpitations, and
- lightheadedness (especially when standing).
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Why We Need Water
Don't Wait for Thirst
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Why Eskimos Live Longer
Snow water is hexagonal (in large percentage) and also contains a healthy balance of dissolved mineral ions. People living in areas where snow water is available to drink - live longer lives. The water has been super cooled, then frozen for a long time. And drinking this type of water seems to enable greater health, immune function, better digestion or metabolic activity, and slower aging. Even very old people can maintain strong health if they drink hexagonally structured water.
Health Benefits of Hexagonal Water
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Anti Aging Explained
Anti aging is possible. The body is designed to heal and repair itself with the aid of proper nutrition. The body requires two vital materials to complete this - energy and raw material. These two requirements are needed to maintain the cell's proper functions. The body is made up of cells and all cells are living. All living things need food. Each cell needs the proper food to keep it strong. Cells die and replace themselves at various intervals. To understand anti-aging, understand that when a cell replaces itself it has three options that it can replace itself with:
1. A cell may replace itself with a weaker cell each time. A cell will do this if it hasn't had the right nutritional foods available to it. This process is called degeneration.
2. A cell can replace itself with the same strength cell. This means the body doesn't improve. That is, you have a chronic condition.
3. The cell is capable of replacing itself with a stronger and better cell. This will happen only if the cell has an abundance of energy and the right raw materials. This process is called regeneration. It is anti-aging.
Many of the foods that we have been told are good for us in actual fact may cause degeneration. This can be shown by muscle testing. Your kinesiologist can supply you with information on which foods to avoid to stop degeneration, and which foods to buy to aid regeneration and anti-aging.
In addition, frequent drinks of good water is crucial. We believe the best water is water that has been electrically charged and has a high pH. Next best would be spring water. Tap water is not as good because of the chlorine and the fluoride (although it is better than nothing). Distilled water is not as good for you - its energy has been altered. In Europe distilled water is labelled "not for human consumption". Mineral water is not as good because the minerals are not in a form your body likes. Water that comes from the top of mountains might also be lacking in oxygen. Many people's health problems and anti-aging would improve if they would just drink more good water!
So, drink more alkaline ionized water to reverse the aging process. Visit for an impressive selection of Water Ionizers.
Hexagonal Water Vs. Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water
When the essential alkalizing minerals are ionized your body will be able to absorb and use them much more efficiently.
In comparison, drinking reverse osmosis or distilled water will lead to mineral deficiencies and the ability of the body to absorb mineral supplements will be compromised if your body is already in an over-acidic state is a great resource for information on health benefits of hexagonal water and a place for you to buy the perfect water ionizer.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bottled Water- A safer option than Tap? Think Again.
Hexagonal Water- What Do we Know
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Cell Water Turnover
Hexagonal Water
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The supply chain of water
Water is What Water Does
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Best Water to Drink
Powerful Benefits of Hexagonal Water
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Bottled Water Myths

Most Americans prefer bottled water to tap water as they percieve it to be more safe and healthier, however the source of this perception related more with the marketing done by bottled water brands and not necessarily the hard facts. Just one basic measure of credibility explains what i mean here: Tap water is much better regulated than the bottled water industry, less regulation sometimes means less monitoring of quality, conformance to standards is not fully enforced by law and sometimes bottled water that is less below par flows through cracks of lose regulation.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Firm Pushed Drug It Knew Didn't Work

Monday, June 22, 2009
Great Skin Starts With Great Nutrition
Good looks start with a great blemish free skin, this we all agree is a universal truth. A glowy, smooth skin is one of the first things we notice about a person. People want to care for their skin to the extent that we’ve made skin care a multi million dollar industry. There are a number of different products and skin care activities that we can do from lotions and creams to hiring trained skin care experts to exfoliate, moisturize, steam and apply fruit acid peels to our skin.
But before all that, we should acknowledge that great skin is a true reflection of a healthy body. If the body is not healthy the skin tells the tale. So therefore; a great skin can only be built inside out.
The skin protects us from various diseases and bacteria; it helps us lose metabolic waste throughout the day. It acts as our first line of defense. So there it pays to take good care of it.
Risk Factors:
If we are having problems with our skin, the usual internal and external culprits are:
- Over exposure to the sun, smog and environmental pollutants
- Whatever we eat feeds the skin, good or bad
- Soda, caffeine, alcohol and red meat all dry it out
- Junk foods, saturated fats and hydrogenated oils produce harmful free radicals that reduce the elasticity of the skin
- Smoking is the biggest cause of skin aging. Avoid smoky places, request your friends no to smoke around you
Dietary Considerations
The Dos and Don’ts of eating for great skin:
• Water is the most important factor. You should ideally drink 6-8 glasses of water. It also depends on the nature of our diet and weather conditions. Since most Americans’ consume low water containing food in as part of their diet, so it’s important that we hydrate our selves in the appropriate amount. A great way to do that is to consume alkaline ionized water, which is thought to be 6 times more hydrating than normal bottled, distilled or tap water. A water ionizer can easily be bought and installed in your kitchen.
• Fruits and vegetables is the way forward. They contain nutrients that are extremely good for our skin. Having fruits and vegetables for breakfast is a great idea because that is the time when our body is recycling. Most fruits will help clear acid waste leaving the body and especially the skin healthy.
• Having our bodies absorb the right kinds of oil is also very important. We can do it internally and externally. Avocados are a good source of olive oil which is great for the skin. For those who have a dandruff problem, olive oil can be applied externally to moisturize the scalp and eradicate dryness. Most good shampoo brands address this need.
• Saturated fats and hydrogenated oils are bad for the skin. These are a source of harmful free radicals in the body that destroy cells and eat into arteries and veins. Chips, cookies and other pre packaged foods contain these hydrogenated oils that interfere with prostaglandins that keep the skin healthy. Other fried food, like French fries contain oils that have been chemically changed through high heat. They generate free radical damage to the skin and else where.
Suggestions & Supplementation
Supplementation of nutrients is very important because some deficiencies can be a cause for a lot of skin problems.
Vitamin C
It is one of the most protective nutrients for the skin, internally or applied topically in sun lotions. It slows skin aging and wrinkling process by inhibiting radiation damage to the skin.
Anti oxidants
These neutralize free radicals that cause damage to the skin and cells in general
Important to the production of new and healthy skin cells
Water (Alkaline Ionized Water):
6-8 glasses of alkaline water a day will flush out harmful acids toxins from the body. Alkaline water hydrates the body quickly and neutralizes the over acidic conditions that cause damage to skin. Alkaline water is also a very powerful natural anti oxidant. It can be obtained easily through a water ionizer.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Can Alkaline Water Really Improve Your Health?
You may have seen advertisements for water ionizers that you can buy to place on your faucets at home. These advertisers claim that drinking alkaline water can prevent disease by balancing out your body's pH. They also claim that alkaline water can be energizing and hydrates your body more effectively than regular tap water, or even bottled water. Some have even stated that drinking alkaline water can reverse and cure diseases such as obesity, heart failure, migraines and other common illness and disease.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Power of Alkaline Water
These systems are called water ionizers. Ionizers use the method of electrolysis to separate the water into its two different forms, acidic and alkaline, which are opposites. By doing this, the ionizers can reduce the acidity in the water and only retain the alkalinity. These ionizers connect to your regular tap and claim to turn your tap water into alkaline water in less than five minutes. Most water ionizers cost five hundred dollars or more. And many of them include a regular water filter in addition to the ionizing part of the system.
While the actual results of drinking alkaline water have not been determined, it has been proven that it will not actually change the body’s pH level. The water may in fact be more helpful and do some of the things that it is claimed to. However, drinking regular filtered water is just as beneficial, and you will not have to spend upwards of five hundred dollars on a water ionizer. In the end, the decision is yours. Do the research, and read about the benefits of alkaline water. If you feel that it will help you, then you can begin shopping for a water ionizer. There are plenty of ionizers on the market, and the Internet is an excellent source for comparison shopping and researching.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
University Health Study Shows Drinking Alkaline Water can Improve your Health
Alkaline ionized water was first approved for its antacid qualities back in 1966, by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. Since this time, people who consume alkaline ionized water have experienced the efficacy it provides against gastrointestinal disorders such as indigestion, hyperchylia, chronic diarrhea and other forms of gastrointestinal disorders. These reasons alone should make you aware of the various healthful benefits that can come from regular consumption of alkaline ionized water.
In the double-blind clinical study regarding alkaline water, 163 of the participants complained of indigestion, abdominal complaints of abnormal gas and diarrhea, and irregular dejection. Each subject received either regular clean water or the alkaline ionized water, the subject who received the alkaline water noticed a significant improvement of abdominal complaints.
With the case of subjects consuming alkaline water, the study noted two very significant improvements. The results were as follows, 26 subjects experienced a fair improvement, 36 cases experienced a slight improvement, 13 cases had no change. This statistical data shows that consuming alkaline water can have a significant affect on your health and digestive system.
There was one significant case of diarrhea in the placebo group, so the study was discontinued. However, this was not the case for the group consuming alkaline water. Consuming alkaline ionized water can make a significant improvement in many areas of their health. You can improve your health by adding the right amount of alkaline water to your diet.
Now that you've had a chance to review all the health related statistics in regards to alkaline water consumption, you should give serious thought to adding it to your daily diet. Having an improved digestive system is just one of the great ways drinking alkaline ionized water can truly give you better health and overall quality of life.
Friday, March 13, 2009
How Alkaline Water Improves Your Health
A lot of the foods we eat produce acids that accumulate in our systems. Drinking alkaline water helps a great deal with cleansing the human body of these acids. As a result, we can maintain health and optimum energy levels. This is just one of the health advantages of consuming alkaline water.
An accumulation of acid waste in the body can lead to the waste being dumped into the kidneys and liver. When the cells of the body experience an abundance of acid, it can lead to a very negative affect on our health. Consuming alkaline water may allow the kidneys and liver to flush the body more effectively and remove harmful toxins from accumulating in our bodies.
Cells in an overly acidic body environment cannot function properly and this leads to the body being thrown out of whack. To have your body properly hydrated, you need to drink water that is both mineral rich and alkalizing. Drinking alkaline water will help neutralize the acidic conditions in the body and bring the cells back into a regular more natural environment.
Ideal body pH ranges from a 9 to a 10, and the average person should be drinking between 3-5 liters of water per day. When you obtain proper body hydration, you will in turn actually crave more water. Many times a person craving food is actually thirsty -- you may be more thirsty than you first thought. Drinking enough alkaline water will help you keep your body at top hydration and eliminate food cravings.
Alkaline water can is a great way to help your body stay in top condition. It may alleviate certain health conditions and increase your immune system functions. Drinking alkaline water is just one more way that we can give our bodies an advantage in an increased immune system function, ability to detoxify acids and wastes more effectively and as a result, be more healthy in the long run.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Alkaline Water the Healthier Water
Alkaline water not only gives you the vitamins you need as well as the many other benefits that come from drinking the recommended amount of water but it also aids in preventing illnesses as well as fights against certain diseases. Certain cancer patients, diabetic patients, even individuals with certain stomach ailments benefit from drinking alkaline water. Not only will you find many health benefits that accompany drinking alkaline water but you will also find the equipment user friendly as well as affordable. Solve some of your health needs and concerns when you purchase the Alkaline water equipment and stop spending your hard earned money on bottled water or filters that only purify your drinking water.
Shopping online for your alkaline water filters and accessories is both convenient as well as affordable. With the time and money you save by purchasing your alkaline water needs on line through a reputable and dependable company you can spend your time on the more important things in life. In one on line store you will find excellent customer service that is provided through the trained professionals that are there to answer all your questions and assist you in all your concerns you may have pertaining to the health benefits of alkaline water as well as the home equipment. Start dinking the required amount of water and take comfort in the fact that you are preventing your body and your family’s body from harmful illnesses and disease that bottled water cannot prevent.
The benefits that come with having an alkaline filter and accessories in your home are accompanied by the wonderful discounts on several packages and items you will find on line. In the privacy of your own home you can start the road to a healthier and happier life when you commit to drinking alkaline water instead of your regular grocery store bottled water. The replacement items you need to maintain the proper function of you alkaline filter are easily found and can be purchased at low prices on line from the store that specializes in meeting your alkaline water needs.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Many Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
With that being said, maybe it is time we pay more attention not only to how much water we drink but what is in the water we our family drink. Filters for your faucets and bottled water that claims to be from natural springs are all around us and easily available, but have you done the research on these products? Have you done your research on alkaline water and the many health benefits it provides?
Drinking the recommended amount of alkaline water can help with health problems such as diabetes, asthma, and arthritis as well as assisting in lowering your cholesterol, reducing your blood sugar, lowering your blood pressure and benefiting you in many other areas. All this is made possible because alkaline water has what is called a negative ORP, which makes this water an extremely powerful antioxidant. By producing hydroxyl ions, it helps with your body's oxygen production as well as aids in reducing the free radicals.
Alkaline water will increase your own energy level so you can feel better throughout your day and accomplish the many tasks that daily life has in store for us. This water will also aid in correcting the acid in our bodies, since it is an antacid. Reducing the acid in our bodies will reduce sickness and disease as well as hydrate our cells and reduce numerous symptoms that accompany aging.
Ordering your Chanson filter, faucet, or other dependable products is simple and can be done with the assistance of your home computer so your products can be delivered to your door for affordable prices. Stop wasting money on the store-bought bottled water or the endless choices in water filters that claim to protect your water. Purchase the equipment that will prevent illness and reduce many health problems in you as well as your family members and friends. Visit the online store today, where you will have access to professionals who are willing and waiting to answer your questions and assist you in purchasing the correct products needed to fit your home and lifestyle.
- acid
- Alkaline
- alkaline ionized water
- alkaline water
- alkalize for great skin
- Anti Aging
- Best Water
- Bottled Water Dangers
- caloric capacity
- cell degeneration
- Cell Water Turnover
- cellular communication
- Daily Water Requirement
- dehydration
- dehydration symptoms
- dementia
- depression
- Detoxification
- disease
- economy
- FDA oversight
- Filter
- Great Skin
- health
- health frawd
- Healthy Water
- Hexagonal Water
- High blood pressure
- high cholesterol
- Hydration
- hypertension
- Immune System
- importacne of water
- Improved Immunity
- Impure Water
- Ionized Water
- Ionizer
- mental fog
- Metabolism
- Micro-Cluster Water
- Municiple Water Supplies
- Nature
- Nutrition for great skin
- patients
- pH
- Pharmaceutical frawd
- Pure Water
- quality of drinking water
- Safe Water
- scandal
- sickness
- Skin Care
- Structured Water
- study
- Tap Water
- Thirst
- Toxins
- vitality
- water
- Water Importance
- water intake
- Water Ionizer
- water ionizers
- Water Molecule
- Water Quality
- Water Standards
- Water Structure
- zyprexa